Frequently Asked Questions
Success rates are close to 40%. When donor eggs are used, the success rates jump to almost 80%.
India is fast becoming the most sought after destination for Surrogacy. The reasons for it are simply because:
Favourable Surrogacy laws in India
Cost of Treatment is economical
Excellent healthcare facilities
The basic cost of surrogacy with TWSC ranges between $30000-$35,000 vis-à-vis United States where the basic cost may go up to 1,50000$. The cost effectiveness of treatment along with world class facilities is the main reason for driving childless couple hoping to start a family to India.
Surrogacy may be the only chance for some couples to have a child, which is biologically their own (IVF surrogacy) or partly their own (IVF Surrogacy with donor eggs/donor sperm). The genetic mother and/ or father may bond with the baby better than in situations like adoption.
Unlike carrying a baby yourself you are not physically in control, so you will need to feel relaxed and comfortable with the process and its complexities. Surrogacy is a highly controversial topic and can involve many legal complexities, legalities which are evolving all of the time. The exact financial obligation cannot be exacted as the surrogate may face medical / obstetric complications during pregnancy, the child/children may be born premature and require NICU care etc. These issues however can arise in any pregnancy.
Whilst surrogacy is an innovative option, it is albeit a complex process to achieve parenthood.
For some couples opting for surrogacy is a very straight forward decision, while, for others there are lots of things to be considered and thought about before taking the decision. There are lots of complex issues, commitment and financial aspects to consider.
If your Gynecologist and/ or fertility expert has established that you cannot conceive and/ or carry a child physically, Surrogacy is the only option left for you to have a genetically related child. Surrogacy is also the only viable option available to single sex parents and in cases where adoption is deemed undesirable for whatever reason.
Primarily, IVF surrogacy is possible for a woman whose ovaries are producing eggs but she has issues related to her uterus. Examples include congenital absence of uterus, surgical removal of the uterus (hysterectomy), those whose uterus is malformed or at high risk of rupture.
In addition, women who are unable to carry pregnancy to term, who have repeated miscarriages, have repeated failed IVF cycles due to unexplained factors, women who suffer from medical problems to whom pregnancy would be life threatening or with Rh incompatibility can be considered for IVF Surrogacy.
Yes, of course. We have learnt a considerable amount about how to make this happen: dealing with complex fertility issues, achieving a successful pregnancy after multiple surrogacy attempts, living in India for a period of time with the children, and finally overcoming all the legal and bureaucratic hurdles required to bring the children home to the UK/ elsewhere.
No, not from the Surrogate Mother anyway. The only suggested way for your baby to receive breast milk is if the intended mother induces lactation before the birth of the baby. There is no shortage of reputable baby formula available in India.
The overall cost varies and is subject to your requirements.
While the medical cost might vary only slightly from case to case basis, the total cost can change drastically from case to case depending on your choice of stay and services. But the whole experience can cost you up to USD55,000 including EVERYTHING. The medical cost in this portion including surrogate compensation etc could be upto app. US$30,000. Please note that these are only approximate costs and you should not hold us on it till the time we are able to provide you a confirmed quote depending on your special requirements and circumstances.
No. Fees are paid in installments over the course of the pregnancy and upon delivery. We will provide you a complete breakup at the appropriate time.
Your total stay will be divided into two parts. Your initial trip will be for the IVF protocol and egg transfer and second trip will coincide with the delivery of the baby/ babies.
The duration of the first trip depends on whether you choose to do your cycle monitoring/ hormone stimulation in India or in your home country. If done in India, you should anticipate being in India 14-16 days. If you choose the latter option you will need to be in India for a minimum of 4-5 days to complete stimulation, ovulation triggering, egg collection and recovery time.
For the second visit, you should allocate sufficient time to ensure all the legal and immigration paper work is taken care. At least one of you will need to be present in India to facilitate citizenship, passport and exit clearance processes. Clients should anticipate being in India for a minimum of 8-10 weeks as a best case scenario. This period will obviously vary by your country of origin and how organised you are. You should also factor in the best health interests of the child/children, for example if born premature then immediate travel may not be suitable.
Like Surrogates, potential donors are selected and screened by the doctor/ hospitals. Strict due diligence, involving review of medical records and lifestyle, reference checking and personal visits are involved. You will be given a detailed Bio of the proposed donor and in most cases you will get a choice of donors to choose from. You can ask questions and even order IQ tests and similar for the donor of your choice. We will provide you with a photograph of the donor, however, due to confidentiality, you will not be able to meet the donor. We have a databank of both Caucasian donors and Indian egg donors. The prices of Caucasian donors is obviously higher and can be quoted when requested.
Yes, this is possible.
The surrogates are recruited with meticulous and stringent criteria and monitored by the doctor or hospital. They are married with previous normal deliveries, an uneventful obstetric history and healthy babies. Detailed medical history, surgical history, personal history, and family history is looked into. The surrogate and her partner are screened for infectious diseases. Surrogates typically stay at their homes with their families and are required to report for ante natal tests and scans frequently. Only those women who meet all criteria's are selected.
The task of recruiting surrogates is performed exclusively by the doctor/clinic thus giving them additional responsibility towards each case.
A detailed contract is drawn up and signed between the Surrogate and her husband and the commissioning couple/ Intended parents.
They are bound by legal contract, they are paid in multiple installments, so there is no reason for them to take the money and walk away, most of them are doing it for money, so they want to earn their full compensation, Compensation which in most cases changes their lives for the better.
In most cases, your little bundle of joy surprises us all by deciding to arrive before time and without giving any intimation. In such cases the intending parents do take a few days to arrive in India and take charge of the baby. Till that time, we act as guardians for the baby. The child will remain admitted in the hospital and we will take care of all medical requirements for the baby. We keep in touch with you on very regular basis over phone and messaging and keep informing you of latest updates of the baby including sharing with you the pictures of your baby. We will consult you on all matters and will take decision in regard to the baby after due consultation with you.
The Surrogates are paid their compensation in multiple installments starting from egg transfer, confirmation of pregnancy, over the 3 trimesters and upon successful delivery/ hand over. All paperwork is completed before the final installment is made.
While different doctors have different protocols, we recommend that the surrogate stay at her own home in her own surroundings. We believe that separating the surrogate from her husband and children, could prove to be a traumatic experience mentally for the surrogate. While we make sure that the surrogate is efficiently supervised to make sure she is taking prescribed medications and recommended nutrition properly, we encourage them to stay with their family and continue doing their daily chores under strict supervision of the social workers in charge of the surrogate.
There is no legal restriction of meeting your surrogate but we do not recommend any contact with the surrogate during or after the pregnancy. The surrogate is entering a business contract with the intending parents and her only motivation to carry the child to term is the financial compensation she is receiving. In our long experience of handling hundreds of successful pregnancies, we have seen many instances where the surrogate is able to make emotional pleas to intending parents who in their emotions, commit to give large sum’s of money and/or gifts to surrogate. We do not recommend intending parents to have any contact with the surrogate, but if you wish to do that, we will be happy to arrange.
Each surrogate is assigned a social worker who is in charge of making sure she is getting proper nutrition and medications. The social worker visits the surrogate frequently (once in 2-3 days) and take stock of the situation. The surrogate is also required to report at the clinic very frequently and medical tests are done to make sure she is taking proper medications and nutrition’s.
Shahrukh Khan and surrogacy in India
You will deal with us directly and from start to finish.
We have experience in and therefore focus on fertility/ surrogacy solutions.
A few selected international Practitioners that have excellent skills and successful track record.
We only choose clinics/hospitals with highest medical standards.
We offer you a choice, choice on which city which doctor and which clinics you wish to use.